Chinese (Mandarin) tutor

Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with Ruka Chang – Your Chinese (Mandarin) tutor from italki, I’m Ruka Chang, an online chinese teacher on italki, and can help you improve your chinese skills according to your goals. Feel free to contact me and book my lessons.

Chinese (Mandarin) teacher Ruka Chang

Ruka Chang

My lessons & teaching style

We can learn Chinese through casual conversations, textbooks, or sharing of different cultures, food, and music. I will also assist you in completing your learning goals in stages based on topics you are interested in! Whether it’s articles, novels, news, poetry, etc., as long as you want to learn, I can teach you ♥️ I can teach both pinyin or zhuyin, simplified or traditional characters – whichever you prefer. I hope to see you in class soon!😊 我喜歡教學,如果你對華文有興趣,我們可以從聊天、自我介紹、文化交流、食物、音樂等,輕鬆學習。 我也會針對你有興趣的主題,來協助你階段性的完成學習目標! 不管是文章、小說、新聞、詩詞等,只要你想學,我都可以教你♥️ 另外不論你是使用拼音或注音,簡體字或繁體字,我都可以依照你的狀況調整適合你的教學。 希望很快就能在課堂上見到你!😊

My teaching material
  • PDF file
  • Text Documents
  • Presentation slides/PPT
  • Image files
  • Video files
  • Flashcards
  • Articles and news
  • Quizzes
  • Test templates and examples
  • Graphs and charts


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