Product Name: Instant Chemistry Formula

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Instant Chemistry Formula is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Look, it could have been immediately after a date, or maybe you’ve heard it after spending a whole bunch of time pursuing this woman. The bottom line is, whenever you hear it, it sucks. And many, many guys hear this.

But I’ll let you in on a secret.

When women say to you there is no chemistry, they actually mean real chemistry; a chemical compound in the brain that certain men know how to trigger in a woman that causes her to become turned on and eager for the relationship to develop into a much, much more intimate encounter. But most guys just don’t know how to generate it.

Now, let’s be real, most guys don’t even know this exists.

And no, it isn’t dopamine, serotonin, or endorphins.

But if you do NOT generate this very specific brain chemical, then she will never, ever feel chemistry with you.

I’m going to show you how to ignite instant attraction through feelings of excitement and chemistry in nearly any woman that you interact with.

The first one is the friend zone. Now, this happens when men just talk normally without ever making a move or escalating the situation.

The second one is what I like to call the sudden creep or creep zone. This is when a man and a woman have been talking for a while, but he tries to take things to the next level at completely the wrong time and then gets labeled as a creep.

And the third scenario is when a guy is able to ignite instant chemistry to trigger that chemical in the woman’s mind that has her craving for more. These are the guys who make the move at the perfect time and have women thinking, oh, my God yes, please.

It’s not height or money…

and definitely not luck…

because you can have all of those things and still be labeled a creep or just a very special friend.

In fact, there are scientific studies on something called “the halo effect” that have shown that how you make a woman feel far outweighs any materialistic things you have or even how you look.

It also shouldn’t be a numbers game involving you doing hundreds of approaches until you get lucky either. There are several dating coaches out there who believe that it is just a numbers game, but I’m telling you that is not the case.

Oxytocin is known as a happy chemical, as defined by Dr. Loretta Breuning in her book The Habits of a Happy Brain.

When triggered, it produces all the feelings of love, romance and chemistry that women want to feel.

And if you are not experiencing scenario number three regularly, then you are probably not triggering this happy chemical in her brain, because women have been hardwired to respond to this for hundreds of thousands of years

I’m about to tell you all the best ways to trigger oxytocin in a woman. But first, I want to address exactly who I am and why I know so much about the subject of dating and attraction.

My name is Adam Lyons, and I’ve been a dating coach for over 17 years.

I’ve been a writer for Forbes, Ask Men, and my own love life has been portrayed in the media for years, from two different documentaries to being featured on The Steve Harvey Show, the Today Show, the New York Post, and so many more media publications proving and showing with clear evidence that I truly am the real deal.

In fact, I’ve been called the Dating Coach’s Dating Coach…

…as I’m the person that other professionals turn to when they need help in their own dating lives due to my strict confidentiality policies and how I refuse to judge any client, no matter the problem.

In fact, the last 15 years, I’ve been a ghostwriter of many other dating coach’s programs.

I created programs for almost all of the other leading dating companies in the world, and you can find some of my most basic lessons through their very best products.

I’m happy to report that I have a near-perfect track record of my students getting the results they want, and it is something that I am incredibly proud of.

I’ve helped people from different backgrounds, physicalities and with various physical disabilities, from severe facial disfigurement to blindness, to being wheelchair bound.

And none of these issues have ever stopped my students from getting the results they want. I do this by giving them no B.S. information on what women really need versus what they say they want. I don’t say any of this to brag. I’m simply stating that I’ve devoted years of my life to helping people understand how attraction works and how to trigger it.

There was this rush of emotions and mix of feelings.

Maybe a jittery feeling somewhere in your body as you climb up the hill.

Your heart is flooding so loud that you can hear it in your ears. And when the drop comes, you feel it so deep in your stomach, and yet somehow you feel exhilarated adrenaline, almost like you’re flying without wings.

And afterwards, you just feel this massive warm feeling of elation. You’re brimming with energy, you’re ready to do stuff you wouldn’t normally do.

Well, that’s exactly what women experience when oxytocin is triggered.

Whether it’s a guy they just met or a guy they’ve been with for a very long time. In fact, creating an emotional roller coaster is 90% of the game when it comes to flirting.

Because even if you’re saying slightly off-color or outrageous things to arouse her emotions, it’s all in the context of fun and playfulness, and she reads it that way.

Now,here’s why that makes women want to escalate with you.

You see, when you’re riding a real roller coaster, you experience the scarier motion of falling that literally elicits fear of death.

But because it’s in a controlled environment where you don’t actually fear death, it allows you to enjoy it.

And that’s exactly what triggering oxytocin does.

It allows a woman to enjoy the excitement of escalating with you and being naughty. But in a controlled environment that’s comfortable and friendly, where there’s actually no danger.

And when you know how to trigger it properly, you create that environment in any situation you want, with any woman you want.

And you’ll always find they respond positively to you, no matter what type of woman she is.

Because this is an evolutionary trait that all women have, her ape brain will feel safe and at ease with you, so you can banter and push the limits without coming off as creepy.

In fact, when you’re interacting properly, she’s actually going to be disappointed if you DON’T escalate.

And when you do, you’ll feel to her like the most fun, exhilarating, and secure roller coaster that she’s ever been on.

And every girl secretly longs to take a ride on that roller coaster.

Even if a woman got approached 50 times a day, almost none of the guys who talk to her would give her that safe roller coaster experience,which is something that she is craving in order to feel good escalating with somebody.

Now, most guys are lost when it comes to this, so if you’re not sure where to begin to create an emotional roller coaster, it is totally not your fault.

Men just aren’t wired to understand this the way that women do. While young women are playing house and playing through various social dynamics that come with that. As young children, men are just rolling in the mud, climbing trees, and playing cops and robbers.

Women get far more experience with social dynamics from a young age. But even then, for most women, it still happens below their level of conscious awareness so they can’t explain exactly what they want to men.

But I have a secret weapon for you that clarifies all of it, making triggering oxytocin to create that emotional roller coaster dead simple.

And words cannot describe how excited I am to reveal it. There was a time when I was never able to pinpoint how to do this. I struggled with my own dating life, but I was determined to master it for my own love life.

I believe that any guy can do this, and my step-by-step formula is all-inclusive.

This means that any guy can use it from “Hello” to the bedroom or the relationship, whatever you want to take it to, usingthree specific phases of attraction.

I drew from decades of research, observing, questioning, and testing my findings on women of all kinds, using concepts from neuroimaging in evolutionary psychology studies to amplify my program’s effectiveness.

Women are biologically predisposed to be naturally highly attuned and responsive to these three phases, both consciously and unconsciously. But men have no clue that these phases even exist. It’s just not in their knowledge base.

And if they go through them properly, it’s usually by accident.

And when you do, you’ll automatically know how to use this emotional roller coaster to ignite women’s chemistry instinct without having to remember to say or do anything and she’ll feel comfortable and aroused by your advances at any point in the interaction.

So finally, I’m revealing all of it, everything you need to trigger oxytocin in a potent information-packed

And frankly, this is one of the the only programs out there that reveals the inner workings of triggering oxytocin in women.

At this level the Instant Chemistry Formula involves tapping into a woman’s primal brain and pushing just the right buttons while flirting…

…which allows her to feel attracted to you on a primal level.

And it’s surprisingly easy for any guy to do. The program is going to take you through each of the phases of the oxytocin formula in the same step-by-step detail.

And it’s been proven to work with thousands upon thousands of women that have been performed by thousands upon thousands of my male students.

And even if you still have a fear of approaching and talking to beautiful women, once you know the skills to make the interaction go well, mustering the guts to approach is a thousand times easier.

How to bio-hack instant chemistry so that you never get told, “I like you, but I just don’t feel the chemistry” ever again with those three phases of oxytocin generation.

The Flirt FactorHow to flirt in such a way that creates an emotional roller coaster that she needs to feel chemistry with you.

This is where I’m going to show you a three simple step process to turning anyone on, so you don’t ever have to wonder what to do or what to say.

In this section, I’m going to list over ten of the most common signs that she wants you. People who miss these often missed out on opportunities to take things from friendly to sexual. And that won’t be a mistake you ever make again.

I’m going to tell you the five conversation mistakes that you should avoid at all costs when talking to a woman you’re interested in.

The Five Roadblocks of Dating

I’m going to cover the five common sticking points people have when it comes to dating and how to get past them.

Look, have you ever tried to escalate or flirt too quickly? But it backfired and it caused you to get rejected, both as a friend and as a sexual partner? I’m going to show you how to flirt in a subtle way that does not ruin a friendship.

Have you ever approached a woman or been on a date with someone who seems to be more interested in her phone than she was in talking to you? In this section, you’re going to learn how to date women with short attention spans who always seem to be after that bigger, better deal.

The seven different types of women and how to date them all.

Learn my systemized dating technique that keeps you interested even when you are busy.

How to meet and Attract women in their twenties, thirties, and forties.

Now, some women tend to have a checklist in their mind for who they picture themselves dating. I’ll show you how to tick all her boxes and be the best guy that she’s ever dated.

Now, as you can tell, this amazing program alone is going to give you more options, greater satisfaction, and remarkable results in your dating life.

But I am so excited for you to experience this that I want to knock off every single hesitation that you may have.

I want to make sure that if you make a decision today to go through and grab the Instant Chemistry Formula, then…

This bonus helps get her to open up instantly with you and have her consider you boyfriend material.

These methods will have her brag to her friends about you and ensure that she wants to stay with you.

Some men believe they should be entitled to a woman liking them just because they happen to be academically gifted or well-read. I hate to break it to you, but it doesn’t work like that. In this bonus, you are going to learn how to use your intellect to be charming and witty on the spot without being abrasive or being accused of man-splaining.

I’m going to teach you how to give consensual, comfortable touch that neither of you want to end without being creepy. The truth is, women are very receptive to touch. They want you to touch them badly when you’re flirting, but only in the right ways. And this bonus course will reveal exactly how to do it.

With this guide, you’re going to learn the correct way to use body language to Attract women without words. You’ll learn how to do a lot with just a simple change in your posture and facial expressions. And these body language secrets are magnetizing to any woman you could encounter

I’m going to cover how to have fun, engaging interactions with women time after time, even if you’re not sure what to say. And I’ll even show you how banter can be used to create an immediate connection with a woman.

I know this is a big fantasy for many men, but not everyone knows how to go about it the right way. I am famous within the media for being in a relationship with multiple women and having threesomes every single night. So in this bonus, I’m going to include a no BS interview on how to enjoy threesomes with your partner without ruining your relationship.

At this point, I bet you’re wondering, “Adam, how much is this going to cost me?”

Before I answer that, let me just ask you a quick question:

How much money do you already spend on a woman with no guarantee that they’ll like you?

Look, most guys spend all that and then go home alone and unhappy. Not only that, some guys are dumb enough to buy women gifts, jewelry, cars, and even pay for college tuition, and still the woman isn’t attracted to them just one bit, and the guy ends up alone.

So just think about all the money that you’ve already spent to date women that ended up with them just telling you “I’m sorry, I like you, but the chemistry just isn’t there” or some other reason they come up with to let the romance fizzle.

How much would it be worth to you to never waste money on a date that goes nowhere ever again?

If I could tell you everything you’d need to know to spark attraction in any woman that automatically ignites whenever she’s around you, or if I could clarify everything that makes women eager and excited to go to that next level with you just by being you, what would that be worth to you?

Before you answer that, I want you to read some of the messages I’ve received from students of mine:

“I was very bad with women before this program. I was quite sad, actually, that I wasn’t good with them. And the reality of it was just felt like I was failing at this one area of life.

Here’s what ended up happening.

It was the confidence that I learned transferring to my day-to-day conversation. That’s how I met this lovely lady. Confidence was overflowing. I kissed her on the first date, and I knew that she liked it as well, simply becauseshe left at 02:00 a.m. And she was back at 09:00 a.m.

For me, it got to a point where I was barely getting enough sleep and I had to go to a doctor with a sore throat. And I asked the doctor, do I have COVID? Is it strep?

And the doctor tested and said, no, this just exhaustion.

Can not be staying up this late, but whatever physical activity you’re doing is taking a toll on your body. And I legitimately had to break up with this woman simply because, well, her appetite for physical intimacy was much higher than I was able to afford.

I had more than I knew what to do with.

I was perhaps meeting two to three people in an entire year. Now I’m meeting that number of people in a day, just like I said, from two to three people a year to ten to 15 people a week.

I’ve had more sex in the last two months than I have in the 29 years of my existence on this planet.

Should someone else do the program if they’re on the fence? Hell yes.

Man, just go ahead and do it. Just join. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a bloody bargain.”

“My dating life before…I found it to be very hard that whenever I would meet someone, I could not hold on to that person.

I even had a list of ten things I really want in a woman.

Everyone I would meet who would meet most of those criteria, they would be gone after the second, third date or so. I knew that the women I wanted existed, but for some reason, I was not able to get and keep them.

That was the sad reality when you are in a situation of neediness.

For me, I needed a framework. I started working on myself, followed through with the program exercises.

The girl I’m dating now, who is totally amazing and my type and checks every box on my list I had, she’s now my girlfriend, and I managed to keep her.

And you might think that this is just a gimmick. It’s much more than that. Your mind starts to change, your attitude changes. Whatever she does, you are completely un-phased. It’s like, yeah, whatever.

There’s another one hundred 10 minutes away.

Go through the program. It’s worth it.”

I saw a friend of mine that I’d known for 20 years. We’ve been friends forever.

I told her I wanted to date, and she said she didn’t want to.

Didn’t hear from her for a couple days. I texted her. And I was like, “Okay, well, if you find some time you want to hang out, hit me up.”

And that was the last time I talked to her. And it’s been almost three weeks now, and I feel like I lost my friend. Adam really helped me in that situation, so I knew that he could help me with my other dating problems.

I walked into a bar. I caught eyes with a beautiful blonde lady and smiled.

And then I went and stood next to her, and I leaned up against the bar and pretty much ignored her.

Before I knew it, she’s leaning on me and talking to me, and she was blowing off the other guy that she was with to talk to me.

I’d get on a dating app now, and I can have two, three dates a day if I want them. I mean, the sex is great and everything, but having women chasing me is just like, a huge boost to my ego.

So I ask you again, how much would it be worth to have the freedom of choice with men or to get results like these students? You want to be the selector instead of the selectee.

most guys would easily pay thousands of dollars for that kind of knowledge. I know because they’ve paid it to me in the past

But I’m actually not going to ask you to pay that. I wanted to make this program the most affordable, complete, comprehensive program I could possibly create. And I also want to help as many guys as possible experience these amazing results.

So today you can have the

the relentlessly tested and proven secret to triggering chemistry

I’m so certain the Instant Chemistry Formula will permanently change the way women respond to you, I’ll give you a full 60 days to try everything out and get 100% refund

Actually no. Screw it. I’ll increase that to 120 days because I’m confident in what the formula can do for you.

I don’t want you to be out of pocket unless the Instant Chemistry Formula makes women obsessed with you.

So as long as you’re willing to put the formula to work, it’s going to work for you.

So consume everything in the program, take some time to try it out, and if you’re not attracting more women, getting stares from them across the room, escalating with women easier and drastically advancing the quality of your dating life, then just send us an email and I’ll refund you all your money.

I know you’re going to be blown away by the transformation you’re about to experience and you will be singing the praises of this program to everyone you meet.

But the refund is real and you’ll get one if you really want it.

So if you want to finally master flirting and attract the woman of your dreams, just click the button below to get access. I don’t really even know what you’re waiting for.

If you want to have success with women, then you need the ability to ignite sexual chemistry with any woman you meet in a matter of moments.

And as I said before, most guys cannot properly trigger oxytocin in women and thus they rarely build chemistry.

And then they wonder why women ghost them after dates. I cannot let you be one of those guys. And that’s why I created the Instant Chemistry Formula.

I wanted to show you the most effective step-by-step formulaic approach to building chemistry with any woman you like. And its formulaic approach has been tested on thousands of women and has proven to work like magic.

You just apply the formula and see the results for yourself.

To get immediate access to the formula and all of the amazing bonuses that I’ve talked about that I put together just for you, just click the button below right now and I will see you inside.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Remember those three scenarios I told you about at the beginning of the video? There are three categories that you can end up with with every single woman that you meet.

or the “Please can I get some more of those guys?” zone.

So you have a decision to make right now because women love men who are decisive.

Unless you’re already completely happy with your dating life and you’re just, I don’t know, killing time reading this page, you really only have two different choices leading to two very different outcomes.

Leave this page without getting the Instant Chemistry Formula. Now if you do that, you’re going to continue ending up either in the friend zone or, hopefully not, but the creep zone with all kinds of amazing women that you will have erased from your life forever before they even get to know you.

And you’ll never get to feel that exceptional attraction that women give you when they find out that you understand what turns them on inside their own minds. But more importantly, you’ll be feeling frustration and rejection and the feeling of failure and inadequacy because the beautiful women that you want are always so far out of your reach.

Say yes right now, to finally being the kind of guy who can walk into any setting, see the woman you want and automatically attract them, trigger chemistry with them, keep them attracted, and excited to be with you for as long as you want, just by being you and knowing how to trigger instant chemistry.

Now, most men are oblivious to the choice that is yours. Plus, I took away all the risks, and I put the responsibility on my program to get you the results that you want. All you have to do is tell us that you’re ready to start by clicking the button below and getting access now do it, and I’ll see you inside the program.

Adam’s ability to teach people how to improve their dating life has been well documented in News Reports and International documentaries and many of the worlds’ other dating experts look to Adam for help in their personal lives.

the relentlessly tested and proven female secrets to triggering chemistry

The Instant Chemistry Formula: The Plug-and-Play System to Take Her on an Emotional Roller Coaster and Trigger “Chemistry” Between You

Six Bonuses We’ve Previous Sold for Hundreds of Dollars that will Be FREE to You

A 120-Day Money-Back Guarantee Because We Believe in this System THAT much

This program has one goal: to learn how to get women to crave you in bed.

If we can’t teach you how do that, we don’t want to get paid. So we made this “no brainer” guarantee.

If for some reason you don’t feel like the program is working, you can contact us within 120 days of your purchase date for a full refund.

We want to have a huge, positive impact on your life and we are confident you will see massive improvement in every aspect of your dating life, so there really is nothing to fear, either this works for you or it doesn’t and you don’t pay a penny.

WebMD – What to Know About Oxytocin Hormone (

Medical School – Oxytocin: The love hormone (

American Psychological Association – The two faces of oxytocin (

Clinic – Oxytocin (

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Instant Chemistry Formula is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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