Product Name: The Official Flirting Master Program – Attract and Keep Her

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The Official Flirting Master Program – Attract and Keep Her is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


We all kind of know that the way you talk to a woman is CRITICAL when it comes to attracting her whether you want to be with her for one night or for a lifetime…

And you’re probably aware that saying just one wrong thing can cause a woman to lose all of her attraction for you and completely ruin your chances of being with her.

So, what’s the solution to this?

How can we MAKE SURE that our conversations with a woman don’t ruin our chances with her at any point?

And how can we “spice things up” in an attractive way to make sure we build attraction with the women we want to date?

Well, you could memorize some “routines” some other guy wrote and follow them like a robot whenever you meet a woman you might want to date…

Or, you could SETTLE for a woman you’re not really that interested in who does most of the work for you so you don’t have to worry so much about being that good of a conversationalist…

Or, you could always “just be yourself” which is ultimately meaningless (I mean, if someone asked you, “How should I swing a golf club?” is the answer, “Just be yourself?” Of course not. This kind of thinking is ridiculous and it’s funny that we think it makes sense when it comes to attracting women)…

Now, I don’t think any of these “solutions” are very good.

“Hoping for the best” is NOT a STRATEGY.

There has to be a better way.

And, of course, there is…

You’re on your way to a meeting and you notice that your right shoe is untied so you reach down to tie it…

And then, when you look up, there she is…

“This could be the ONE…” you think.

And she’s looking right back at you.

All you have to do is say “hello” and take things from there.

Would you know exactly what to do and say when that happens?

Because you could meet “her” anywhere, any time.

You could meet her online…

You could meet her at a club…

You could meet her at a coffee shop…

Or you could meet her at your university library. 

And you need to have a PLAN you can follow even if you feel nervous…

Because you never know when “she” will appear in your life.

And even if you meet her online and then meet her for a drink or a coffee, you STILL need to be able to FLIRT with her and have an attractive conversation with her if you want to be with her for one night or a lifetime.

Well, what if you always said the right thing to a woman while being completely authentic and without having to memorize and spit out robotic “routines” that some other guy wrote?

And what if you could have attractive conversations with women where the “spark” is always there whenever you want so you’re not in danger of ending up in the friend zone with a woman you’d like to date?

And have a woman enjoy talking to you without you even trying too much?

I mean, I don’t know about you, but when I’m talking to an attractive woman and it’s going WELL and it’s clear that she actually likes me, she’s enjoying spending time with me, and she’s ATTRACTED to me all at once, I feel GREAT.

And, as long as a woman is interested in you to begin with, having an attractive conversation with her will do all of that for you and make her more attracted to you than when you first met her.

It’s the difference between you getting her number and then meeting up with you again and her completely forgetting about you…

It’s the difference between her going home with you and you ending up at home by yourself…

It can be difference between her showing up for your NEXT date and her ghosting you…

And, ultimately, it can be the difference between making her your girlfriend or wife and her losing interest in you at some point.

Most of the conversational advice out there for men right now falls well short of allowing you to achieve this ideal level of attractive conversation with women…

That’s why I created the FLIRTING MASTER Program…

Because I don’t want conversations to stop you from connecting with a woman for one night or for a lifetime…

And because I want you to be able to build attraction AND comfort with a woman AT WILL without changing your personality.

And because FLIRTING should be FUN.

Once you have everything down you can relax and just ENJOY flirting with women and getting to know them…

And THAT’s when you start getting everything you want when it comes to women.

Instead of getting BORED with you or not feeling that “spark” that keeps you out of the friend zone, women will think:

“FINALLY! This guy gets it…”

After they have a conversation with you.

They’ll feel attracted to you and ENJOY talking to you…

And, when you’re having your first conversation or first date with a woman, she’ll look at you like this:

You will absolutely stand out among all other men she’s met in her life.

And you’ll do it without pretending to be anyone you’re not.

Now, when you’re NOT a FLIRTING MASTER, even a woman who IS interested in you can lose interest in you when you talk to her…

However, when you ARE a FLIRTING MASTER, the world is your oyster…

If you’re not looking for a relationship and you’re just going for hookups, women will be HAPPY and excited to go back to your place with you or even invite you back to hers…

And if you want to be in a long-term relationship with the right woman for you, she’ll fall deeper in love with you every time you talk:

Now, you might be thinking:

1. Who created this program and why should I listen to him?

2. What makes the FLIRTING MASTER program different from all of the information that’s already out there about how to talk to women?

First of all, if you’re not already a subscriber or client of mine, let me introduce myself:

My name is Jim Wolfe and I’ve been coaching awesome guys from over 150 countries and counting to dating and relationship success for more than 7 years now…

And I’ve been studying attraction, love, dating, relationships, and all aspects of male/female dynamics from one night stands to the most successful marriages for more than 20 years now. 

I even got my master’s degree focusing on relationship satisfaction.

Long story short: I’m obsessed with finding out the REALITY behind how everything works when it comes to a man attracting a woman for one night or for a lifetime.

I’ve poured over every source out there about this topic and I’ve put all of that theoretical knowledge to the test in my own life and in the lives of my clients.

Of course, that includes what REALLY matters (and what doesn’t) in terms of having a conversation with a woman because it’s such a CRITICAL factor when a man wants to attract a woman, no matter his goals.

And I’m GENUINELY here to help…

I’m not just a marketer repeating what others say about a topic for profit…

I gave up a “safe” career path to help men with this stuff because it means something to me.

And so what I’m sharing with you inside the FLIRTING MASTER program is the culmination of 20+ years of research and seeing what really works for my real clients with real women all over the world (and what has worked for me as well).

I know that if you apply the formula and avoid the mistakes we cover inside the FLIRTING MASTER program with a woman who’s interested in you, it WILL work for you.

But you don’t have to take my word for it…

The FLIRTING MASTER program comes with a 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee that we honor for ANY reason (or no reason at all).

So you can see for yourself if I’m full of sh*t or not.

And if you don’t like it for any reason whatsoever, you can just ask us to return your money and we will honor your request no questions asked.

So how is FLIRTING MASTER different from other “how to talk to women” programs and all of the info that’s out there about attractive conversations? 

1. It’s 100% based on what’s really important and what actually works with real women in the real world…

There’s no filler, there’s no fluff, and there are no “silly tricks” involved in this program.

Just the pure “meat and potatoes” of what really works when it comes to a woman feeling MORE attracted to you after talking to you than she was when you first met her.

2. This program WILL NOT turn you into a robot or ask you to be someone you’re not…

I figured out a way to teach you how to become a master of flirting while staying completely true to yourself.

All you have to do is plug your unique personality into the formula we cover and you’ll be golden…

With any woman, anywhere, any time, in any situation.

3. In the “Conversation Flow” module, I walk you through an entire conversation from start to finish the way I look at it when I’m talking to a woman so you can take that ROAD MAP and apply it without changing your personality.

This module alone is worth the price of admission, in my opinion, even if you own one of my other programs that touches on flirting already.

And the pro tips we cover should make everything we talk about in terms of flirting with an attractive woman clearer, easier, and more effective for you.

4. Not only do we cover the formula that increases female attraction in a conversation, we also talk about the common MISTAKES that you absolutely MUST avoid if you don’t want a woman to lose attraction…

These mistakes are often ignored and avoiding them is FUNDAMENTAL to your success with women.

5. Lastly, we also go over REAL WORLD examples of both good and bad flirting so you can see what it actually looks like in real life (more about this in a minute). 

Now, even though all of that is true, this program is NOT for everyone…


However, if you want to be able to have attractive conversations with women anywhere, any time that allow you to attract your ideal woman for one night or a lifetime…

Then FLIRTING MASTER was created just for you.

Here’s what we cover in this POWERFUL Audio FLIRTING MASTER Program:

FLIRTING MASTER is an AUDIO program with 5 Main Modules:

In Part I, we cover the 3-Part FORMULA that must be present in all of your conversations with women you want to date. If one of these elements is missing, she won’t be getting all of the angles from you that she needs to feel attracted to you AND comfortable with you at the same time…

In this Conversation Flow Module, I walk you through how I think about APPLYING the formula in a real conversation from start to finish…

In Part II, we go over the 11 mistakes you must avoid if you want a woman to be more interested in you after your conversation than she was when it started. If you have Part I and Part II down completely, then you ARE a FLIRTING MASTER…

In Part III, I give you 13 pro tips that AMPLIFY the foundations of effective flirting while also making it easier for you to apply everything we talk about in this program…

In the Advanced Pro Tips Module, I give you 9 “extra-spicy” tips that build on the foundations of effective flirting. These tips must be handled with CAUTION and should only be used if you know when and where to use them. For the guy who’s already pretty good at flirting, these tips will give you that extra “edge…”

So, how much does FLIRTING MASTER cost?

Well, how much is it worth to KNOW FOR SURE that, as long as a woman is interested in you at least a little bit to begin with, she’ll be MORE interested in you at the end of every conversation you have with her than she was when that conversation started? 

I don’t know about you but I think that’s worth A LOT…

I mean, why waste money on coffees, drinks, dinners, etc. if the women you really want to date lose interest in you and either don’t come home with you or they don’t show up for your second and third date?

So, based on the genuine value that being able to have attractive conversations brings to men, I could probably charge thousands or at least hundreds of dollars for FLRITING MASTER and feel good about it at the end of the day…

1. I want everyone who wants this to be able to make this investment in themselves and their connections with women…

2. I want to REWARD guys who take action.  

1. Having some “skin in the game” makes it more likely that guys will actually go through the modules and get out there and APPLY what they learn…

2. The price of admission helps us cover the costs of producing and hosting the program and helps support all of the free content we put out…

3. You can go through FM any time at your convenience. You can come back to it whenever you want and go through everything again and again until you have it all down.

Being able to have attractive conversations with women is CRITICAL whether you’re just going for hookups or you want to find “the one…”

And the FLIRTING MASTER Program allows you to build attraction and comfort with any woman any time anywhere AT WILL.

Whether you meet her online, meet her at a club, meet her at your friend’s wedding, or meet her for a drink or a coffee, the way you talk to her will SERVE you instead of becoming an obstacle.

And, once you KNOW you’re saying the right things, you can RELAX and ENJOY the process of talking to a woman and getting to know her.

So, if all of that sounds good, I highly encourage you to register now and start going through the program as soon as you can.

Because FLIRTING should be FUN…

And it should HELP you build attraction with women instead of being something that could hurt your chances with women.

PLUS, when you register for the FLIRTING MASTER Program today, you also get this value-packed BONUS:

In this video presentation, we analyze 14 real-life examples of GOOD FLIRTING and 14 real-life examples of BAD FLIRTING so that you can see for yourself how the formula, mistakes to avoid, and pro tips we cover inside FLIRTING MASTER actually play out with real women in the real world…

You’ll see how women react to what the guys are saying…

And seeing everything play out in real situations makes it much easier for you to implement everything we cover.

So join me and my top clients inside FLIRTING MASTER right now…

I’m genuinely looking forward to seeing you on the inside!

Register now for FM and you can get started with the program right away:

Click here to get The Official Flirting Master Program – Attract and Keep Her at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Official Flirting Master Program – Attract and Keep Her is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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