
Woodestic Carrom, Carrom is a kind of billiards played with fingers, but in this game you have to flick wooden discs on a high-gloss surface and it fits on your table.
Push your discs into the holes in the corners of the board and score extra points by pushing the red disc (queen)!


$ 859.00 $ 579.00


Woodestic Carrom



Carrom: The famous Indian game remastered

Dive into the enchanting world of Carrom, a game that transcends time and borders, with its origins rooted in the heart of India. However, Carrom is not just a game; it’s a legacy of family fun and thrilling competition.

Timeless tradition:
  • Passed down through generations, Carrom has been uniting families and friends for decades. It’s where grandparents become challengers, and kids become strategists, all huddled around a Carrom board.

The basic rules are similar to billiards at first glance, where the objective is to shoot discs (the Carrom men and the Queen) into holes in the corners of the court using a larger shooting disc. However, the game’s well-developed rules and the necessary use of various swiping techniques make it quite different from billiards.

Skill and strategy:
  • Carrom is where skillful flicks, precise angles, and smart tactics blend in one game. The perfect combination of finesse and strategy makes each shot an adventure.
Create memories:
  • Carrom is where laughter echoes, bonds are strengthened, and moments are made. It’s more than a game; it’s an experience that evokes lasting memories.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, carrom welcomes all to the board, from the little ones to the elderly.



When playing a great game, time seems to fly by!

In the case of Carrom, a session can last anywhere from half an hour to an hour, during which players must maintain focus and execute well-aimed shots to succeed. In comparison to other games such as Crokinole and Pitrush, this flicker game boasts the longest game history and the largest board size.



The rules of the game are straightforward and can be easily understood, initially appearing quite similar to billiards. However, the main objective of the game is to use a larger shooting disc to strike smaller discs (known as the Carrom men and the Queen) and skillfully aim them into the corner pockets of the court. This unique gameplay mechanic distinguishes the game from billiards and adds an exciting twist to the gameplay.


Carrom is a traditional board game hailing from India that demands exceptional dexterity, making it a game favored by skilled players. Unlike billiards, the game involves intricate details in its rules and requires the use of various flicking techniques, which ultimately sets it apart from the former.


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